LazyLawn achieves Which? Trusted Trader status

A model van on Artificial Grass showing LazyLawn is a Which? trusted Trader

LazyLawn®, the nation’s leading supplier and installer of artificial grass has now been given the seal of approval by the Consumer’s Association after passing the ‘Which? Trusted Trader’ assessments. Home improvers across the land can have further confidence that their LazyLawn® is being installed by reliable and trusted professionals, now it has been fully approved […]

LazyLawn helps hay fever sufferers to reclaim their gardens

Picture of a plant to show hay fever

As the nation’s 10 million hay fever sufferers are braced for the pollen season, those determined to soak up the sunshine in their own gardens can fight back by swapping their grass for a LazyLawn. LazyLawn, the nations leading brand of artificial grass, is seeing an increase in enquiries from those looking for a solution to […]

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