Call to bring back the British front garden


The decline of the British front lawn has seen an increasing amount of homeowners turn from green to grey over the last decade however LazyLawn is encouraging gardeners to choose a brighter alternative to paving.

Research for the Royal Horticultural Society has shown the number of British gardeners replacing their traditional front garden with gravel or paving, has tripled over the last 10 years. *

LazyLawn is supporting the call for homeowners to bring back the British front lawn and to reverse their dull and gloomy paved front gardens, but with a low maintenance, hassle-free alternative.

The report showed that 24% of front gardens were either partially or wholly covered in an assortment of paving, bricks, tarmac and concrete. More than a quarter – 28% of people polled said there was no greenery at all in their front gardens.

A typical suburban property some 50 years ago with a well-spruced front garden, would’ve been judged by neighbours on the street, all competing for the ‘kerb appeal’.

But with an increase of cars on the roads and busy family life taking priority, people have since looked for a low maintenance alternative, avoiding the weekly mowing chore.

Unlike LazyLawn, paving has come with its environmental set-backs and has increased the risk of flash-flooding over the years.

Andy Driver, Marketing Director at LazyLawn, comments: “Lawn or paving doesn’t have to be an either or choice. People can still have a lush green grass without the headache of maintenance by opting for LazyLawn.

“The popularity of artificial grass has increased significantly over recent years with people opting for this hassle-free substitute.

“Our aesthetic lawns look and feel authentic and come in different styles, making this the ideal choice for any front or back lawn.”

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