Looking after your Artificial Grass: Turning up the Heat

Here at LazyLawn we have a great video that goes through all the simple steps that you need to go through in order to maintain your artificial turf all year round. Some of these steps include applying weed killer twice a year to combat any airborne seeds turning into dastardly weeds and regularly trimming back any hedges or over hanging trees to avoid debris on your lawn.

We thought we would add a little more meat to the bone in terms of artificial grass maintenance tips for warmer temperatures. Don’t get us wrong, taking care of your turf is easy — that why it has become a trendy and popular alternative to real grass. We just want to make sure that you make the most out of using your turf so that it can still be looking as good as new in fifteen years’ time (a typical life expectancy of artificial grass).

Summer Highs

First thing is first, our artificial grass is UV resistant, so no discolouration to worry about. When the sun comes and out and the temperatures increase, so does our desire to enjoy the outdoors.

First tip — lightly spray your lawn with water in particularly hot periods before intense usage. This will ensure that you and any houseguests have a much cooler surface to walk on.

Second tip — Keep BBQ’s well away from your artificial turf. The turf is made of plastic and is at risk of damage if exposed to anything hot like a BBQ. Also, anything containing strong chemicals such as turps or white spirit could damage the surface.

Third Tip — With outdoor events such as BBQ’s, you’ll be sure to find children and animals. However, it pays to be vigilant with young children who may try to pick the grass. For cats and dogs who leave unwanted deposits, we recommend our Poopclenz and Peeclenz products that can quickly sanitise and remove any deposit from the lawn. For any foodstuffs or debris left on your lawn, all you need to do to remove is to apply some hot soapy water to shorter pile turfs, or use a hose for longer pile turfs.

If you would like some more information on artificial grass maintenance, we would be happy to hear from you, contact us.

For general artificial turf questions, take a look at our FAQ section.

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