One way to get a show-stopping lawn…

BBC one-show-lawns

You may have spotted a piece on BBC’s The One Show last night about lawns – we certainly did. The presenter was correct in saying a good lawn can show off a garden, and as a nation we can be somewhat obsessed with them!

At one stage, a couple showed off the artificial lawn in their garden, and explained that it was easy to maintain, drain, clean and could be enjoyed all year round, which is true of artificial lawns in general.

The programme was correct in saying that the time, money and effort that goes into traditional lawn maintenance can be saved by switching to artificial, as we explained thanks to our recent survey.

We discovered that:

  • 56% of the 1,732 adults with a garden who were questioned admitted spending up to £200 annually on lawn maintenance.
  • 1% of those questioned revealed they splash out between a whopping £801 and £1,000 on maintaining their garden.
  • The average spend across the UK was found to be £153
  • Regionally, the biggest spenders on garden maintenance were those in the South East, who spend well above the national average by forking out £183 per year, compared to £152 in Scotland, £147 in Wales and the South West, £143 in the Midlands and £139 in the North.


The programme was correct in saying that the time, money and effort that goes into traditional lawn maintenance can be saved by switching to artificial, as we explained thanks to our recent survey.

It would cost £2,700 to have a LazyLawn professionally installed in the average garden, measuring 40 square metres, which works out as £180 per year for the 15-year life expectancy of our artificial lawns.

In short, you could be spending the same amount of money without all the hard graft of mowing, trimming and watering that some gardeners go to.


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