Sunshine Garden


It’s always nice to receive feedback from happy customers!

Mrs Stringer-Smith from Poole had her lawn transformed from a high maintenance hard to manage space to a summertime paradise which needs little to no care!

Her two children are now able to play outdoors in all weathers due to the no mud no mess solution!

During the summer months Mrs Stringer-Smith can be found in her garden apple relaxing and enjoying her spare time rather than completing gardening chores first!

“We are thrilled with it and spend so much time out here now”

“We are not gardeners, so to have it all cleared gave us the chance to enjoy the space and the children loads of space to play IN ALL WEATHERS!!”

Isn’t it time you gave yourself more free time!


Put the mower away today and call 0800 023 2343


Had an installation by us?
Why not send us your photos and we will send a LazyLarry to you today.

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