Millboard Enhanced Grain: Smoked Oak Decking

Millboard Composite Decking

Enhanced Grain: Smoked Oak


A cool, elegant grey, ideal for contemporary and coastal settings.

Additional information

Dimensions 3.6 × 0.176 × 0.032 m
Actual Area (sq m) 0.63
Total Price £92.00
Slip Resistant
Does Not Rot or Warp
'Lost Head' Fixings
Low Maintenance
Stain Resistant
Resistant to Algae

A cool, elegant grey, ideal for contemporary and coastal settings. Smoked Oak has soft-grey hue that nods to time-seasoned hardwoods, yours to enjoy without the wait.

Moulded from smooth timber for a textured look and feel, our Enhanced Grain collection recreates the subtle nuances that only natural wood can give.

Board size: 176 x 3600 x 32mm
Coverage: 1.54 boards per m2
Weight: 11.4Kgs per board

Don't fancy installing it yourself?

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